Ruggero Santilli is a fascinating person. Once a scientist with an apparent normal career, now a fringe scientist running his own ‘scientific’ institute, publisher of two journals and founder of a dubious company which sells gas for welding purposes. He seems to have turned his backed on regular science completely, but at the same time tries to hold up the appearance of a serious scientist and tries to get some of his articles published in regular journals.
When one of those was debunked, he asked one of the scientists of his Institute for Basic Research, Jerdsey Vladimir Kadeisvili, to write a defense. This was published as well. Kadeisvili, however, is just an alias of Santilli as will get clear when you read on.
I will tell you about my investigation into the identity of Kadeisvili which got me labeled ‘a threat to America and mankind‘, about the reasons for this masquerade, and also about the difficulties I encountered to convince the journal(s) that something had to be done about this scientific fraud.
Some 15 years ago I sent a note to Elsevier, expressing concern about IJHE, after I became aware of the apparent connection between Santilli and the editor, Nejat Veziroglu (editorial ‘praise’ of Santilli’s book on ‘hadronic chemistry’ and publishing articles from IBR, apparently without adequate review). The awareness ‘trigger’ was a (nearly successful?!) attempt to sell the magnecules to Statoil in December 2002, assisted by Eric Trell, a Swede who claimed to have a simple geometrical proof(!) of Fermat’s last Theorem, and a young anthropologist, also a Santilli-Galilei Laureate. https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stein_Erik_Johansen discussion: https://www.google.no/search?q=magnekylene+kommer&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjv-pPt7J_hAhXMo4sKHYpMDz4Q_AUICSgA&biw=1227&bih=577&dpr=1.1 and other ‘annerledestenkere’ https://www.adlibris.com/no/bok/annerledestenkerne-kreativitet-i-vitenskapens-historie-9788215027166?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImauyz_Gf4QIVAtKyCh0iAgc9EAQYAyABEgJrqvD_BwE.
Very interesting! Did you get any response from Elsevier?
The story of Stein Erik Johansen, Erik Trell and their simple proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem is known to me. I read about it on the blog of Harald Hanche-Olsen.
Johansen was promoted to professor in 2016, which seems quite strange if you look at how his career has developed. Even more strange if you look at what he published since about 2003 (mostly nonsensical stuff in Santilli controlled journals). Rumour has it that the faculty cut him a deal: the professor title in return for his promise to retire at 65 (as he did at the end of 2018), while it is more common in academics to work until the age of 70 or 72 years.