Remarkable news this morning in one of the main newspapers in The Netherlands (Algemeen Dagblad): UWV, the agency commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment to implement employee insurances, has payed for a course in clairvoyance. Since 2008 at least seven unemployed were ‘helped’ in this way towards a payed job as ‘spiritual phone consultant’. In other words they were now able to scam people in paying lots of money on silly phone calls. The cost of one course is about 1.000 euro.
UWV doesn’t see anything wrong in this. If some course will come with an almost guaranteed job afterwards, they think it is a good thing as those people will stop receiving money via the Unemployment Insurance Act. And the agency also points to the fact that the Paradidakt institute, which provides these courses, is registered as an institute for education by CRKBO, the central registry for short term vocational education. Well, this does only mean that this Paradidakt insitute meets some administrative standards, not that the contents of what they teach have been checked for validity. The CRKBO sign of ‘approval’ is in use by many institutes which give courses in alternative medicine.
Members of parliament have already started to ask questions.