Local broadcaster, Omroep Brabant, reports that Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke was arrested on January 6th and was held at the police station for three days [NB later this turned out to have been even six days]. Five people have made statements against Van den Broeke for making threats, including at least one death threat. Van den Broeke has quite a history in harassing people, but he has always been claiming that it was not him who did this, but a hacker. This alleged hacker must posess super hacking skills and the tenacity to monitor Van den Broeke’s activities 24/7, because the threats in the form of hate mail, nasty Facebook and Twitter comments coming from his accounts occur in very close alignment with those.
In 2005 Van den Broeke was exposed as a fraud by Rob Nanninga, editor in chief of Skepter, in the ‘genverbrander’ incident, you can read about this on Wikipedia. After that he wasn’t seen on national television for quite some time, but he kept on doing his usual business with crop circles and ghost photography. His photography tricks have also been exposed by Nanninga, and myself as well ( see The Photography Tricks of Robbert van den Broeke on this website).
In the past more people have made statements against Van den Broeke, but these were not followed upon by the police. It looks like he desperately seeks the attention of the media, going as far as doing business with convicted killer Joran van der Sloot, with whom he seems to have some sort of love-hate relationship.
Recently Van den Broeke went even further than before, including leaving pornographic photos of himself on the Facebook pages of other ‘celebrities’ and making really nasty death threats which were similar in nature to the enormous amount of hate mail he has send to his critics (see below).

According to Omroep Brabant the Amsterdam police has held Van den Broeke for three days, but have let him go for the time being. He remains a suspect in this case, but it is has yet to be decided whether he will be prosecuted for these threats. In the mean time, Van de Broeke’s website has been closed down, as well as his Facebook pages (personal and the ‘public figure’ one) and his Twitter account. Omroep Brabant was unaible to reach Van den Broeke for a reaction.
On her website Constantia Oomen wrote an in-depth story on the Van den Broeke case, which really starts at the beginning of his career and runs up till now (and is frequently updated). She probably received most of the nasty attention of Van den Broeke, so she knows what she’s talking about on this matter.
Update 2 October 2018
According to ParaVisie (a Dutch paranormal magazine), the authorities have dropped the prosecution in this case because of lack of evidence.
According to ParaVisie (a Dutch paranormal magazine), the authorities have dropped the prosecution in this case because of lack of evidence.
Lees hier meer, ik heb zojuist een update geplaatst / More here, English translation will follow later: