Can a specially trained chatbot help dissuade people from believing in conspiracy theories? This intriguing question is explored in research published in Science, titled Durably Reducing Conspiracy Beliefs through Dialogues with AI. In the study, participants were asked to rate their belief in conspiracy theories on a scale of 0 to 100 before engaging in […]
Category: Conspiracy
George van Houts – The (un)serious Dutch conspiracy theorist
How Van Houts transformed from a comedian with a taste for absurd humour, through socially critical plays, into an all-round conspiracy thinker.
Rudy Reichstadt interviews Hélène Dumas on the denial of the Tutsi genocide
Interview on the genocide of the Tutsi, 30 years ago, and how its denial still lives on.
R.I.P. Janet Ossebaard
Dutch crop circle expert Janet Ossebaard suddenly became internationally famous in 2020 with her conspiracy documentary Fall of the Cabal. Shortly afterward, she more or less disappeared from view herself, continuing to work on a sequel with her partner Cyntha Koeter at various locations in Europe.On 22 December 2023, news broke that Ossebaard’s body had […]
Dutch commission finds no evidence for satanic ritual abuse
At the request of parliament, a commission investigated sadistic abuse of children. In its final report, the commission states that it found no evidence to support the existence of satanic ritual abuse networks, but does note that “ordinary” organized abuse is taking place.
Thierry Baudet and Tom Zwitser fantasise about viruses that can specifically attack Russians …
According to Thierry Baudet the coronavirus might just be rehearsal for a more severe virus. Tom Zwitser suggests that such a threat might come in the form of a genetically modified virus that only attacks people of a certain race, like Russians …
The Spanish Flu of 1918 was not Caused by an Experimental Vaccine Against Meningitis
A myth promoted by antivaxxers claims that an experimental vaccine was the main cause of pneumonia in patients with the 1918 influenza. This can’t be true as the vaccine was based on different bacteria than those found in the patients.
Debunking Fall Cabal by Janet Ossebaard – Parts 6-10
In parts 6-10 of her Fall of the Cabal video series Ossebaard mixes other conspiracy theories with Q-mythology. It gets even more far fetched and in the end reads like science fiction.
Debunking Fall Cabal by Janet Ossebaard – Part 5
Part 5 of the Fall Cabal series is mostly about #PizzaGate. It was removed by YouTube. Ossebaard just rehashes all QAnon nonsens that has been debunked a long time ago.
Debunking Fall Cabal by Janet Ossebaard – Part 4
Ossebaard rehashes criticism on Hillary Clinton that originated from Wikileaks and fake news websites, eagerly spread via pro-Trump QAnons. And she claims that Hollywood is a den full of pedophiles. Don’t ask her about her sources ….