Part 3 of the Fall Cabal series deals with the migrant caravans of Central America. According to Ossebaard these were organised by anti-Trump forces and financed by George Soros.
Category: Conspiracy

Debunking Janet Ossebaard’s COVID-19 video series
Dutch cropcircle enthousiast and ufo believer Janet Ossebaard made a video series on the crisis cause nu the outbreak of coronavirus. It is full of lies and conspiracy theories that are easily debunked.

Debunking Fall Cabal by Janet Ossebaard – Part 1
Fall Cabal is a YouTube series made by Janet Ossebaard propagating the Qanon conspiracy theory. Already millions of people have watched it. The sometimes shocking claims made in the series are easily debunked. however.

Poll shows 0.9 per cent of Dutch people believe the Earth is flat
Dutch newspaper Trouw set out a poll, in collaboration with Kieskompas, to investigate the belief in several conspiracy theories. One of the results they reported is that ‘almost one per cent of the Dutch, 0.9 per cent to be exact, think that the Earth is not round, but flat.’ This would amount to about 150.000 […]

Conspiracy Playlist on Spotify
A playlist on Spotify with all kinds of songs that have a link with conspiracy theories. Suggestion are welcome!

Sued by Willem Middelkoop over a review of his book Patronen van Bedrog (‘Patterns of Deception’)
On 12 June 2018, I published a book review of Patronen van Bedrog, a book written by Willem Middelkoop and Tim Dollee. The title translates into Patterns of Deception. In this review (published on I argue that this is not a very good book, to say the least. It repeats conspiracy theories thrown up […]

Did WTC7 on 9/11 really descend in free fall for 2.25 seconds? A closer look at the NIST calculation.
According to truthers NIST had to admit reluctantly that WTC7 came down at free fall. My analysis shows that the calculation of NIST is questionable and that an argument can be made that the acceleration was a bit lower than the free fall acceleration.

Ronald Bernard of the B of Joy on Child Sacrifices and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Without any proof whatsoever, Dutchman Ronald Bernard tells about his former career as a financial specialist for a dark elite of Luciferians, claims he was invited to child sacrifices, and encourages to read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the antisemitic hoax.