In a video the Science Babe ‘debunks’ homeopathy by taking 50 homeopathic sleeping pills and not feeling drowsy. Is it really a good debunk?
Category: Quackery

The Incredible Floww Health Technology
Another bogus device supposed to protect you against alledgedly harmful effects of electromagnetic fields

Philip Stein Sleep Bracelet – Expensive Placebo
A company in luxury goods is selling its products with a lot of pseudoscientific nonsense. Celibrities and airliner KLM help promoting it.

Dutch School Hires Dowser to Clean up Electrosmog
A primary school hired a dowser to get rid of electrosmog. Highly sensitive pupils benefited from this according to the head of the school.

Update on MMS malaria ‘trial’ in Uganda
It has become clear that the Ugandan Red Cross Society and the Water Reference Center were involved involved in something that is presented as a field test with MMS against malaria. Is it all a deliberate fraud or might there even be a rational explanation for the alleged results, including honest mistakes ?

What did the Ugandan Red Cross Society know about “the ‘miracle’ solution to defeat malaria” Video?
An unsigned draft of a proposal for the test shows that the URCS was involved and that Proesmans organised and financed it all

Fake and Unethical Trial: Video Claims Miracle Mineral Solution Cures Malaria
Dangerous quacks promoting MMS for all kind of diseases claim that a trial in Uganda proves that malaria can be cured easily.

Do patients of CAM-trained GPs have 15 percent less healthcare costs? Nope, myth busted!
The study of Kooreman and Baars doesn’t at all show that GPs trained in alternative medicine work more cost efficient, but the authors make us believe so using their press release and other public outings.

Egyptian hepatitis C detector changes shape. Where’s the dowsing rod?
Did the Egyptian researchers show a different device than they actually used?

Warning to Traumeel Users Visiting the Netherlands
Traumeel is a homeopathic product sold worldwide. In the Netherlands the composition is quite different and the producer doesn’t tell you that. Why?