In Ecowasbal afgekeurd I follow up on my investigation into the Ecowasbal. This time the focus is on the use of certificates issued by institutes like TüV Süd. I discovered that the main certificate in this case is invalid and it’s authorization probably falsified by the South Korean producer. The article is in Dutch, if you don’t master […]
It’s just a (board) game
Artificial intelligence is almost nowhere more tangible than in the world of board games, such as chess and go. What is behind it?Chatting about conspiracy theories with an AI chatbot
Can a specially trained chatbot help dissuade people from believing in conspiracy theories? This intriguing question is explored in research published in Science, titled Durably Reducing Conspiracy Beliefs through Dialogues with AI. In the study, participants were asked to rate their belief in conspiracy theories on a scale of 0 to 100 before engaging in […]George van Houts – The (un)serious Dutch conspiracy theorist
How Van Houts transformed from a comedian with a taste for absurd humour, through socially critical plays, into an all-round conspiracy thinker.Rudy Reichstadt interviews Hélène Dumas on the denial of the Tutsi genocide
Interview on the genocide of the Tutsi, 30 years ago, and how its denial still lives on.