It is impossible to use hypnosedation during a sternotomy because it precludes spontaneous breathing. Performing an open-heart operation under hypnosis alone is therefore also impossible.
Tag: open-heart surgery

Mattias Desmet’s excuse for his slip of the tongue in the Alex Jones interview proven to be false
Some confusion about the date of an interview Desmet gave led to accusations of deliberate manipulation on my part. Upon ascertaining the actual recording date, however, it appears that Mattias Desmet gave a false excuse for his statements in his interview with Alex Jones that led to uproar in the media.

Prof Mattias Desmet claims to have witnessed open-heart surgery performed under hypnosis without any anaesthesia
Prof Mattias Desmet claims to have seen with his own eyes open-heart surgery in Belgian university hospitals, performed under hypnosis without any anaesthesia. For once we have to agree with Alex Jones: “Unbelievable!”