I was sued by one of the authors of a book I had reviewed. He felt that my review had caused him unquantified damages and that publishing it had been an ‘unlawful act’. On 18 November the court has dismissed all his demands. My freedom of speech prevails over his hurt feelings!
Tag: Patronen van Bedrog
Sued by Willem Middelkoop over a review of his book Patronen van Bedrog (‘Patterns of Deception’)
On 12 June 2018, I published a book review of Patronen van Bedrog, a book written by Willem Middelkoop and Tim Dollee. The title translates into Patterns of Deception. In this review (published on Kloptdatwel.nl) I argue that this is not a very good book, to say the least. It repeats conspiracy theories thrown up […]